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KTHGN Admin Member
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Minecraft: KTHGN
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Server Officially Opening! about 1 month ago

Welcome to the WorldOfBlox Website!

This website is designed for the soon-to-be network of WorldOfBlox. The network will contain the following servers:

  • Survival
  • Pixelmon
  • Tekkit 2
  • Skyblock

First server that will be released on May 10, 2024 will be Survival.

Why should YOU play WorldOfBlox?

  • Performance: We have purchased a strong dedicated server (not a single minecraft rental, but a full on dedicated machine) so you can expect no performance issues.
  • Get paid to play: With constant competitions and a season long competition with both Paypal (or crypto) and Store Credit prizes!
  • Many features: We have features such as player created warps, minions similar to hypixel's, crates, teleportation hoppers, chunk loaders, etc.
  • Additionally the server has been optimized with a 10,000 block world border, all chunks have been pre-loaded within the boarder in ALL DIMENSIONS to prevent lag being created by people discovering new land.

Can I be staff?

What do you do with the funds?

  • We are 100% transparent with the money the server brings in. The monthly operating cost is $250 and both Staff and Creators (no matter the size of their audience gets paid). The rest of the funding goes into a separate wallet that holds the value of approximately $3600.

Where does this "$3600" number come from?

  • Its to pay for the server costs for a year ($250 x 12 = 3000) + an additional $50 ($50 x 12 = 600) for paying for new plugins, developer fees, etc.
Survival Server Rules about 1 month ago

Below are the rules (along with punishments) for the server. Multiple violations can cause a greater penalty as they are stacked against you. For example, if you violate a Tier 1+Tier 3 rules, you will receive a Tier 4 punishment. Staff members have discretion over the punishments administered. These are subject to change any any time.


Tier 1 Violations (5M-6H Mutes & Kicks)

  • Excessive Cussing - Cussing is permitted on the server, however, doing it an excessive amount may lead to a temporary chat ban. 
  • General Harassment - This is the base level of harassment where the player is intentionally hinder another player (or players) playing time through their actions. Depending on the action, this could be a chat ban or a kick. Further harassment can lead to a Targeted Harassment punishment (tier 2)
  • Unintentionally Causing the Server to Lag - Although you may have not intended to lag the server, if you are AFK and are causing the server to lag, you may be kicked depending on the issue at hand. 
  • Be Kind to Staff and players - This can generally be a 5m-1h mute depending on how vile the disrespect is.

Tier 2 Violations (6H+ Mutes & 1H-24H Bans)

  • Advertising - Even if you are advertising in the DMs to someone, you will be muted for up to 30 days. You ARE permitted to send people your discord servers and username ONLY IN THE DMS. 
    • This rule does not apply to Youtube/Twitch Streams/Videos posted in the public chat as long as it is content related to the server. 
  • Targeted Harassment - This is harassment stretching beyond general harassment, this is the excessive amount of harassment, generally not the first time being muted for the crime. This can be anywhere from a 1h to 3d depending on the severity of the situation. If the person decides to continue the harassment post-mute, then a 24H ban will be applied for each offense. 

 Tier 3 Violations (24H - 1 Week Bans)

  • Scamming - Scamming other players severely impacts the other players experience. This can be a 24 Hour Ban to 1 Week Ban

Tier 4 Violations (1 Week-1 Month Bans)

  • Mild Exploits - These are non-gamebreaking / player impacting bugs that the player is exploiting. This is a 1 Week -1 Month. 
  • Racism - This depends on context of what they said. Using racial slurs is an immediate ban. Saying something displacing/uncomfortable will usually warrant a warning depending on what was said.
  • Light Hacking - This includes things like auto-mine, x-ray, etc. that don't severely impact the game play. Typically, it will be about a 1 week ban.

Tier 5 Violations (Permanent Bans)

  • Exploiting Bugs - Mild bugs being exploited would be a Tier 4 violation, however, huge game-changing bugs will lead to a permanent ban.
  • Unregulated Selling of In-Game Items - This is the sale of items within the game done by users. This is due to us not being able to monitor these transactions and if users get scammed, this could lead to chargebacks on their credits cards, etc. To avoid the hassle of this, this is a PERMANENT BAN.
  • Severe Hacking - We take this very seriously as not only does it affect the players experience, but it can impact the server economy, winners of the competitions, etc.
  • Attempted child luring/grooming - This is a serious manner, if you suspect someone is trying to do this, please report it immediately and we will investigate. If they are found to be doing so, they will be PERMANENTLY BANNED WITH NO CHANCE OF A UNBAN.
Patch Notes 1.0.0 about 1 month ago

Server Development has been a long journey, but I can finally say we are near the opening of the server!

Things that will be added in the future (post-release date) will include:

  • Pets
  • More Spawners in the Coin Shop
  • Better Crate Items
  • More Jobs
  • Monthly Crates
  • KOTH (in /warp Arena)
  • More Minions

Stay tuned for more!