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Server Officially Opening!
KTHGN Admin Member
3 posts
3 topics
about 1 month ago

Welcome to the WorldOfBlox Website!

This website is designed for the soon-to-be network of WorldOfBlox. The network will contain the following servers:

  • Survival
  • Pixelmon
  • Tekkit 2
  • Skyblock

First server that will be released on May 10, 2024 will be Survival.

Why should YOU play WorldOfBlox?

  • Performance: We have purchased a strong dedicated server (not a single minecraft rental, but a full on dedicated machine) so you can expect no performance issues.
  • Get paid to play: With constant competitions and a season long competition with both Paypal (or crypto) and Store Credit prizes!
  • Many features: We have features such as player created warps, minions similar to hypixel's, crates, teleportation hoppers, chunk loaders, etc.
  • Additionally the server has been optimized with a 10,000 block world border, all chunks have been pre-loaded within the boarder in ALL DIMENSIONS to prevent lag being created by people discovering new land.

Can I be staff?

What do you do with the funds?

  • We are 100% transparent with the money the server brings in. The monthly operating cost is $250 and both Staff and Creators (no matter the size of their audience gets paid). The rest of the funding goes into a separate wallet that holds the value of approximately $3600.

Where does this "$3600" number come from?

  • Its to pay for the server costs for a year ($250 x 12 = 3000) + an additional $50 ($50 x 12 = 600) for paying for new plugins, developer fees, etc.